Saturday, November 13, 2010

3 weeks down, and speeding by.....

Where do I begin....I have only been here for 3 weeks and I feel like I am learning an abundance of information. Everyday, I learn something new or experience something that makes me question my beliefs on things. Let's start with what teaching looked like for me this week. I did a Thanksgiving lesson with my students and told them a story about what my Thanksgiving looks like, feels like and sounds like back home when I go to my grandparents house. They liked hearing about how I call my grandpa "grandfither" and how we all eat until we are sick. I emphasized the meaning of Thanksgiving and how everyone gives thanks for all we have. We then read a poem similar to "brown bear, brown bear" but with the words "pilgrim, pilgrim."
I think the lesson was effective and as assessment to make sure students understood that we were learning the value of giving thanks, each student wrote down what they are thankful for and colored a picture of these things. We also had our "Going Green" play this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (2 times). Four performances is quite a lot for 6-7 year olds. It definitely made the week go by fast, but the students were off task a lot because they were exhausted. The performances happened in the morning from 9am-10am and then the students had to sit through school until 1pm.
I have been enjoying my time with the ACE students at the Lebone Center thoroughly. These kids have so little but are so eager and yearning to learn. When I come to the center with something planned to do, the students all gather around so they can learn what they should do. They don't HAVE to sit and learn, but they want to. They go to school in the township schools where resources are extremely scarce. So anything I can bring for them to work on is exciting for them. I think students in America need to realize how lucky they are for a public education. Even the inner city schools are rich compared to these townships. It's very disheartening. In some instances, I wish I could spend all of my time with these children. There are so many things I want to show them. These are the forgotten children of South Africa. There are thousands of them, and none of them have the privileges to see the wild animals that live miles down the road. They are contained in a specific area and do not have the means to venture outward.
I had an eye opening experience on Friday in regards to students with special needs and how they are not treated equally by some students. The third grade students were mocking this particular student with Aspergers to the point of him crying hysterically. I was sickened and felt so upset that these students have not been taught how to include this particular student in their classroom. Inclusion here is basically sticking a student with special needs amongst the others with either a one on one helper who helps them do the normal "grade" work instead of modifying or accommodating the student so they can function independently in the classroom or sticking them in the class without teaching the others on how to relate to the student, what to do if the student exhibits inappropriate behavior, and how to respect one another and differences. The school is in desperate needs of a special education teacher who can teach teachers how to teach students proper social skills, and zero tolerance for teasing. My friend Nichole and I are going to teach a lesson on respect tomorrow. I have no idea if it will make a difference, but the only thing you can do is try.
I went to Kenton on Sea and Port Alfred yesterday, and it was so beautiful. I have never experienced so much beauty before, it was really astounding. I couldn't help, however, to think of my ACE students the entire time and how this is THEIR land and they have never been to the beach to see this. It's very depressing. Well...all for now! I will write next week, only 3 more weeks left in the classroom. Ohhh yes, and I am visiting Kuyasa, the Special Education school, Tuesday. I can't wait to compare and contrast the system here in comparison to Michigan.

Miss P

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